About us


Plai Transilvan Association is a non-profit, public benefit organization founded in 2013 in Oradea.

Our vision is that of a supportive Romanian society with civically engaged people, promoting authenticity and change for the good of the community.

Our mission is to connect creative people and smart resources, building a prosperous, cohesive and healthy society, where children acquire useful and healthy life skills, young people become involved in the community and citizens are well-informed, proactive and proud of their cultural identity.

Among the core values of our association are:

– Solidarity with others;
– Civic engagement;
– Authenticity;
– Change for the good of the community;
– Respect for otherness;
– Responsibility for our actions;
– Honesty;
– Professionalism in all we act.

The association runs projects for children, young people and citizens. Through the activities of the association, we want to cultivate: healthy life skills, through non-formal education projects; proactive civic attitude, through volunteering, community involvement and entrepreneurship; strengthening the Romanian identity, by promoting our tradition and culture.

Our beneficiaries are children, young people and citizens for whom a team of dedicated members and volunteers carry out unique actions. Currently, our team has members and volunteers in 3 counties of Romania: Bihor, Sălaj, Bistrița-Năsăud and carries out activities in the country and in the Diaspora. 
