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Here you can find our 2023 activity report:
– We supported over 500 children and 6 public institutions with hygiene, household and educational products. We continued with new editions of the “Volunteers in Action” project, so we offered support to partner schools and community support institutions, such as: “Orizont” High School, “Bihorul” Sports High School and “Ion Bogdan” School, Filantropia Association, “Stejarul Mamvri” Social Centre from Oradea, respectively “Speranța” High School from Zalău, but also to several needy families from Bihor and Sălaj counties, by offering: more than 5.000 sanitizing products, totaling 39.000 lei, received as sponsorship from Sarantis Romania and the Fă Bine! team (soaps, disinfecting gels, disposable gloves or sanitizing wipes), 130 pieces of furniture and household products (desks, beds, lamps, bedside cabinets, waterproof bed linen) received as sponsorship from IKEA Romania, books and puzzles (250 pieces) received from Nemira publishing house, 5 laptops donated to the volunteer members of our association team, with the support of Fă Bine!
– We recorded new stories as part of the “Tell me a story!” project, in collaboration with actors from Bucharest, the stories are available to listen on our YouTube channel:
– In March, on the occasion of the celebration of “Marțișor”, in Oradea we organized a new charity exhibition of spring items and we supported an elderly family in need, from Copăcel, county of Oradea, Bihor.
– In March, in Bucharest, we participated in the second network meeting of the project “NGO Accelerator”, a project implemented by the Young Initiative Association and the World Vision Romania Foundation, aimed at helping to develop the capacity of the non-governmental sector. The “NGO Accelerator” project continued with monthly meetings with the coach, but also with the visit of the management team from Young Initiative Association to our headquarters in Oradea in April, where we had a beneficial exchange of information and ideas. And in October again in Bucharest we attended the final event of the project. On this occasion, we marked the closing of the project “NGO Accelerator”. For Plai Transilvan Association, this project meant defining the vision and mission of the organization, gaining clarity in the realization of the strategy, a better cohesion of the team and an annual plan of activities.
– The Easter Charity Fair in which we participated as a partner of CȘEI “Speranța” at the Cathedral “Sf. Vinere”, in Zalău, was another action designed to encourage partnership, volunteering, community involvement, supporting people in need.
– The project “Port IE cu bucurIE” had an edition this year at the Zalău County Museum of History and Art and meant, besides wearing traditional costumes to promote Romanian traditions, also bringing generations together. Wreaths were made out of flowers (sanziene), during which the little participants learned a lot about old Romanian customs.
– We continued our partnership with the rhythmic gymnastics section of the “Bihorul” Sports High School in Oradea, supporting the young performance athletes with: 24 pieces of sports equipment (tracksuits), balls, ribbons and other equipment necessary for the good development of sports training. Also on 19 December we celebrated the end of the sports year, on which occasion we awarded 18 young sportswomen.
– We have taken forward existing partnerships and created new ones to encourage non-formal educational activities, volunteering and social inclusion with traditional partners (CȘEI “Speranța”, Zalău), but also with new institutions: making marzipan in March, in collaboration with CȘEI “Speranța”; the educational project “Involvement-Information-Integration”, in collaboration with CȘEI “Speranța”; Ac*CES Hope Summer School and Ac*CES Hope Summer Kindergarten – with a lot of activities spread over a week where joy, friendship, responsibility, dedication, enthusiasm, will, hope and access shaped a colourful world full of activities and learning. The “YES for INTEGRATION!” event, run by a number of partners from Zalău, including Titan Arena, Gabriel and Brigitta Ardelean, CȘEI “Speranța”, our Association, as well as many other collaborators and sponsors, which took place on September 15, was a day of celebration of the integration into society of children with disabilities from CȘEI “Speranța”, Zalău, through fascinating activities: various gastronomy workshops, sports, interaction with volunteers and the local community.
– Organizing several meetings in October and November, in partnership with CȘEI “Speranța” and the Church “Harul” in Zalău, with the volunteers of our association (30 people), young people from the community, civically involved, who discussed the impact of volunteering on the beneficiaries, the community, but also on each volunteer.
– Celebration of the Volunteer Day in Zalău, in partnership with CȘEI “Speranța”, members, volunteers, beneficiaries, on which occasion was also celebrated Santa Claus Eve, children were given gifts.
– Organizing in Oradea, in the run-up to Christmas, in partnership with CSEI “Orizont”, some activities to promote Christmas carols and Christmas traditions, by involving children with special needs in making holiday gifts that they themselves offered to other children in a placement center. The association offered 28 gift packages on this occasion.
– The “Hope’s Tree” decoration, an activity within the regional project “Solidarity for a better world”, in partnership with CȘEI “Speranța”, the Municipality of Zalău and Citadin Zalău, in the run-up to Christmas. Ornaments were made with a lot of heart by partners, pre-school children and students from different educational institutions from several counties of the country.
– We continued the publication of articles in the online magazine of Plai Transilvan Association, on topical issues regarding the activity of the association, the magazine is available by accessing the link:
Written by: Ioana-Daniela Sabău
President of Plai Transilvan Association
Oradea, 23.12.2023