Ioana-Daniela Sabău, Director
I feel grateful to have precious people around me with whom we managed to set the basis for the association and hopefully contribute, little as we may, to the consolidation of our society. I graduated Political Studies and Law at the University of Oradea. I was blessed in that both during my studies and later I was surrounded by good professionals, so that I could learn a lot from them. I also have realised that our generation has acquired the opportunity for unprecedented freedom of expression in Romania. Nowadays, our limits are set only by our own will. And because we live in a prosperous society like never before, I feel we have a duty to become involved in building it further. I think our mission as people on earth is to live in community, rather than be solitary. To live in a society which we have the right and obligation to beautifully mold. For more than 10 years I have been managing projects of all kinds, and managing them has also meant a personal management, goals and self-improvement. But that was just the beginning. I think working in a non-profit organization sets out a big challenge: to work with and for people.